
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Monday, December 6, 2010


BabyCenter says
Your child's storytelling ability is growing now that he's using longer sentences rich with detail. His tales now have a clear beginning, middle, and end — at least most of the time. Most of all, they're nourished by a lively imagination that's reaching new peaks. Your child is learning that a quick story is a way to share information, to entertain, and sometimes, if he thinks fast enough, to get him out of a tight spot.

It has been almost five years that I have taken on the role of MOM full-time. Since I gave birth to first-born, I have quit my job and stayed at home to be with my baby.

After a year, I unexpectedly gave birth to another one and got even more convinced to stay at home and leave the workforce for good.

However, now that the kids are no longer babies, and have missed going out of the house regularly to go to the office, I ask myself again if it was the right decision and if I should not change my mind and work again.

I have accepted some short-term work, mostly done at home to keep my non-mommy brain alive. I long for that time, when the kids are busy enough with their own lives and I can have more time for me. And I already have thought out what I would do - farm.

In the meantime, I take great pride that my first born's teachers compliments of how well founded my little one is at school. Smart, caring, fun-loving.

Yes, this is why I stepped back. That my kids can step forward confidently when it is their turn.

My Underwater Story Book
During one long school holiday, my preschooler was given the assignment of creating a story out of drawings bound ala story book. I asked her what each page's drawing says and here's the story she submitted. When I find the time and muster my lazy muscles, will scan the storybook too for posterity:

Once upon a time, there was a boy who likes to play fishing game.

He got his fishing rod which came from his mom, from inside his house and he pretended that there was water.

Jay, the boy, likes to get fish. His favorite is the butanding (whale shark).

While fishing, a butanding pulled him down the water. Natanggal ang sapatos niya, kase nahila siya. (He lost one of his shoes because he was pulled under the water.)

Nung nasa ibaba na siya ng tubig (When he was underwater), he was pretending that he was a sea turtle. Just like the other sea turtles he saw.

And then, he stopped pretending that he was a sea turtle because he saw that his other shoe was missing.

He then saw a yellow dolphin with red tail and rode on its back. They will go up above the water, to reach the sky. Maybe, he will see his other shoe.

But, Jay fell from the dolphin. A yellow octopus grabbed the dolphin. The octopus wants Jay under the water so they can blow bubbles.

So Jay played bubbles with his sea creature friends. The butanding made the biggest bubble.

The butanding blew lots and lots of bubbles, until it became a giant bubble. The bubble was so big, Jay can fit inside it.

The giant bubble brought Jay back on top of the water, to his house. Then Jay said goodbye to all the sea animals. Then he remembered, that his other pair of shoe was there. And he put it on.

The End.
Carlos' OK
Our youngest has been very helpful with his sister's school work. He enjoys choosing photos of objects for his ate to learn to spell. When we found out from Maya's teacher she can read basic c-v-c, that's consonant-vowel-consonant words, Carlos was with me. He was very funny, he just said, in his usual funny, as-if-mature way, "Ok!"

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