
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Friday, November 12, 2010

Young Achievers

Singapore made history when it hosted the first Youth Olympics August 16-18, 2010. A small country that could, yes, they've come a long way.

Some Grade 7 students from Maya's school were sent to experience it and had a unique learning experience. I hope when it is time for Maya to be exposed to these kinds of trips, Daddy Paul and I have saved up.

"Spend money to make memories, not to acquire stuff."
Barbs Hermanson

Learning to swim
Maya has always loved the water, so we decided that for this year, she will learn swimming. It is only Carlos who hasn't enrolled in any class this year. It is our goal to learn something new each year. I took up graphic design lessons, Daddy Paul is enrolled at the University of the Philippines Open University learning teaching.

As expected, my daughter enjoyed her lessons. Though not the waking up early part, we're still adjusting our routine to cover more day times. :)  She cannot swim from both ends of the pool yet, which I thought was the goal of the program, but she's learned the basics of breathing with the nose, bubbles.

Young novelist
I once read about a 12 year-old novelist who is now taking Medicine at UP. She's 16 now. She started writing novels inspired by her friends and family. Then she chanced upon online publications and got her stories printed. Her parents helped her look for local publishers and now, she's juggling schooling with writing - though the creative part only serves as a hobby.

I think we will be the same kind of parents to our two kids. Supportive, empowering. Right now, we've been making sure that they are started with house chores. Once again, we are nanny-less. Our last, who's the 10th already, was fetched by her mom when she passed out after an overnight day-off. She's been wanting to return after more than a week's rest, but it's fortunate that my mother in law needs someone to be with them and that could be her.

So I guess, we're really starting them young. Not when Carlos is 7, as I hoped it would be.

Unique terms
Well, like Ms. Venus Raz in the Miss Universe pageant, we still think in Filipino that's why when we speak, though the words are in English, the concepts are still very Pinoy.

Mom: What movie would you like to see?
Carlos: Yung life bubuji! (referring to the sound track of Cars the Movie which has the first line going like, Life would be dream...)

Maya talking with her Ninang Rachelle: "You are so tired, you will sleep while stand upping?"

Maya saying good night to us: "I am so sleepy, I can sleep so hard."

Little talker
With age comes greater word power for my little boy. We can talk sensibly to him now, when he's in the mood! Sometimes too, if we're lucky, we are served funny conversations with our little Carlos. Oh, kids, why are they so endearing?!

Husband, sister in law and I talking about forgetting to bring a camera. Carlos joined in, matter of factly, "Daddy uses the iPhone as camera." Yes, and he brings it with him anywhere. :)

Husband and I talking about something while the kids were playing nearby. Husband asked me something, with perfect timing again, darling son replied, "Me? Are you talking to me?"

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