
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Monday, November 28, 2016

Star Trek, Making a Pitch, What, So What, Now What

Two questions to help you when deciding:

  1. Is it the truth
  2. Will it be good for the group
Some lessons I learned about pitching your start up:
  • Be clear what problem you are addressing.
  • Make sure your solution is unique.
  • Note your competitive advantage. It may be your expertise or what sets you apart.
  • Know your business model. If it is not clear to you how to make money, VCs will know. VCs, by the way, mean venture capitalists.
  • Ask! Your call to action has to be direct. 
  • Don't be afraid to get a NO. No's mean a lot more. It could mean you're not ready, the technology is not ready, and so on.
  • What, So What, Now What - Product, Solution, Benefit
Start up speak
Monthly burn: monthly spending
Milestones: how you will determine your success as a start up
Pitching: selling the dream concept your start up is anchored on. It's like a job interview, but more intense! Be ready with 5-year assumptions and projections that show your understanding of your market.
Cost per install: how much you will spend to get users to install your mobile application
Business model: how you will earn money

All this start up talk makes me want to watch an Eddie Garcia movie

Random thought
Coming home to your kids solving math equations and requiring you to solve it too as a family rite of passage.

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