
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Benefits of being a working mom

Me vs kida of today
8-year old's Filipino essay

My recent project involves helping a start-up which offers early childhood education mobile applications and teacher/parent training sessions. I do business development. I enjoy it very much and it allows me to learn more skills and knowledge on overlap areas about alternative learning, a personal passion.

It has taken me away from the house more often, and husband-boss has noted the positive effect it brought to the kids. My absence helped our kids become more independent. It has motivated them to be more too.

I make it a point to send Snapchat/snaps of what I do at the office, who I work with, how our meeting goes and these have opened our kids to AHA moments -- my mom can do new things, I can do new things too.

Just recently, our 10-year old has been announcing her high quiz scores. She has also been chosen by her teachers and classmates to become the leader for some class activities. For the second year too, she's set to take the math score award. That is a special award given to high performi kong students with the highest scores in their math learning system.

Our 8-year old on the other hand has been doing several 'mature' things lately. He walks to school by himself. He doesn't need a fetcher anymore. He has finally found the grit to take a bath by himself too.

Me to 8-year old: How come all of your friends are from your class' top 10? You should ask them how to be smart too.
8-year old: They are the only ones who get me.

Now I know why he prefers talking with his dad more than me.

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