
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Saturday, April 14, 2012

6-year old Erap Joke, Kids are really naughty, Android's accelerometer, What's inside God's heart, Packing for a swimming outing

While trying out a new game on the computer, our 6-year old asked her dad: "What's the next step?"

Dad: "It says there press any key."

6-year old: "Where's ANYKEY?"

Naughty by nature
Grabbing the chance to teach my kids about life lessons, I immediately veered our conversation to drive home a point: parents should be respected and not hurt.

Mommy: "You came from inside my tummy, that's why I am your mother. Mothers shouldn't be shouted at."

6-year old: "But you get mad at us too." (Caught than taught, eh?)

Not giving in, mommy answered: "That's because you are naughty."

6-year old: "Kids are really naughty, mommy!"


Kids are kids. :)

Playing with past tense
Excited to share his latest triumph, my 4-year old announced:

"I lock-ted the auto rotate, dad!"

God's heart
While on a long road trip, the kids with their cousins were looking for ways to entertain themselves. It came to a point when they did questions and answers.

4-year old: "Does God have a heart?"

8-year old: "Yes!" enthused his cousin.

4-year old: "Where is it? I know, we are all inside of God's heart."

Swimming outing list
Summer in the Philippines means vacation time and swimming time. Packing well means a better swimming outing, so here's my default list:
  1. Waterproof bag or any plastic container to put all those wet swim wear
  2. Set of clothes to wear after swimming
  3. Shampoo and conditioner - if swimming in pools, it is best to wash away the chlorine in your hair. Ideal is to wear swimming cap.
  4. Towels - bringing extra never hurts
  5. Comb or hairbrush 
  6. Deodorant - sun will make you sweat, better be protected
  7. Body splash or moisturizer - more common here, lotion
  8. Water - bring back the loss water from perspiration and swimming by drinking lots of fluid
Food and drinks are assumed covered!

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