
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Monday, August 1, 2011

Un-birthday traditions, heart eggs, preparing for PTC ala Kenneth Cobonpue and Ferran Adria's El Bulli movie

How to make heart eggs
I grew up not celebrating birthdays. I understand my parent's reasons and I don't resent it, we are 12 in the family - not including the extended members. To not celebrate is the safest and most economical way to go for a farmer village family sending children to school.

With my own family now, we celebrate our birthdays very simply. Cake and a huge serving of spaghetti, though I prefer pansit. I cook great pansit! There would be times when we would invite some family and/or friends to share a meal with us at a place we haven't visited to commemorate the special occasion.

El Bulli
If you're a foodie, I'm sure you've heard of the greatest restaurant in the world. Closed six months of every year to prepare for the next season, reservation list is endless. The Spanish chef, Ferran Adria calls his cooking avant-garde, elevating it as an art. Isn't it amusing that he's no French?

You may want to catch this movie about him and his restaurant, which means The Bull. The guy is passionate and a perfectionist, which goes along, I think.

I once ate a chocolate bar infused with bacon bits. The maker studied and has been greatly influenced by Ferran Adria. I didn't like it, though it was fine. I didn't totally catch it.

PTC armaments
I haven't totally got passed the last PTC sessions, they kept a scar mark in my soul that will only be healed if I see my kids doing better. I thought, for the next PTCs I would be ready with my notes. I will observe my kids for their strongest and worst point to tackle with the teachers. The next parent-teacher conferences (PTCs) will be about both parties engaging over the kids' performance and how they may be better individuals.

Since then, I have been encouraging my kindergartener to read a book out loud daily, practice writing and choose iPad games that are educational. I have been stricter with our schedule, I admit. With or without a freelance project I see to it that the kids do activities that will build on skills they need to be better - not just at school but also in life in general.

I give punishments more often too, unlike before that I let things pass because I have other more important things to do.

Yes, the last PTC engaged me so much about parenting that tomorrow we'll be starting Wushu lessons even if it costs more than my monthly gym membership, which husband and I forego due to tight schedules, thank you very much.

Doing world-renowned furniture designer Kenneth Cobonpue's three questions: who am I, why am I on earth for and what am I good at - I am definitely, positively engaged in parenting.


Kid funny moments
Husband and little boy are in search for a barber shop. They've been sporting long hair-dos and want to have it trimmed. Pointing out the iconic spiral of blue and red to our preschooler, husband said "Look at that moving colors. Whenever you see that, it means it's a barber shop."

Our little boy replied, "Ah, like the 'loading' symbol?"

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