
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being a kindergartener mom - webbing, preschool diary, invented spelling, wushu

Chair artwork - what if they go to your pants when you sit on them?

Just came from a PTC (parent-teacher conference) with husband to discuss my two kids' progress at school.

According to her teacher, my kindergartener is well matured in class. She acts like a big sister, assisting those younger and seem to be needing help; keeping quiet when someone is acting roughly. However, she is also soft-spoken and timid.

Origin of kindergartenThe first kindergarten was established by Froebel in Bad Blankenburg in 1837. He renamed his Play and Activity Institute to a ‘kindergarten’ two years later in 1840. That Bad Blankenburg Infant school used play, games, songs, stories, and crafts to encourage children’s imagination and widen their physical and motor talents. "Kommt, lasst uns unsern Kindern leben" Come, let us live with our children’ turned into the catchphrase of the early childhood education.

Webbing and other preschool tricks
Among her teachers' tips to further enhance what she has been learning at school are the following activities:

  1. Webbing - TeachPreschool.org defines webbing as a tool that may be used to: 
    • Webbing - build on a basic idea.
    • Webbing - illustrates how each idea builds off another.
    • Webbing - helps you think outside of the box.
    A case in point may be talking about a certain topic, for example, whales. Then, whatever my kid associates with it, like seeing a baby whale being born in a YouTube video, and then moving on towards the subject with inputs coming directly from the kid. Learning that is personal is more effective, teachers said.

    What webbing activity have you tried with your kid?

  2. Diary - Encourage your kindergartener to keep her diary, not to start a private life, but to encourage writing and spelling. With reading skills go along writing skills. Letting your child have her own 'notebook' enforces both skills.
  3. Invented spelling - It is natural for kindergarteners to miss vowels when writing down words. Yes, you may call it JEJEMON but this one is acceptable and unintentional, unlike the horrible JEJEMON lingo which has permeated the Philippine society of today.
  4. Right vs wrong warnings - Being wrong or right is subjective, and for little minds, it is better to give them scenarios and explanations of how things are done. Simply stating that something is wrong or bad does not help. Carefully lay out how she ended up doing what was wrong. You are given a warning because you shouted at your brother when you could have called his name softly.

Extra activities
One thing is certain, the kids will be starting on their new extra curricular activities soon. What I originally have in mind for my kindergartener is piano lessons. However, the choices available to us is a 5-15minute daily lesson which I find too short, or another one that is 1-hour every other day. The teacher in the latter is unknown to me, and I am not very comfortable with that.

So it might be Wushu lessons twice a week here at Quezon City, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5pm. Fee is P3k+/month exclusive of uniform, insurance and processing fee.

Feedback about my nursery kid
It has been a great relief that my youngest is fine at school. He's average. Before I enrolled him, my greatest fear would be that he would not pay attention to his teachers. Luckily, he participates in class and gives out correct answers. Areas to be improved were identified, like finding a dominant hand, strengthening his hand muscles, and listening and communication skills.

I think my role as a mom-teacher cannot be pushed any further that's why we might enroll him to Enopi for after-school practice sessions. I regularly give them worksheets to do at home and both of my kids grudgingly do them. I am too 20th-century for these digital learners.

Forming a letter 'T' with two cars

Enopi preschool
I have inquired last summer about Enopi, they are Korea's answer to Kumon, and they accept kids who have started attended formal school already. Their monthly charge is about P1600+/month which covers a two-hour per week schedule for one subject. They offer English and Math for preschoolers.

Focus on the main thing
Honestly, I felt low after hearing from my two kids' teachers. They were not bright stories at all. However, I am thankful still because at least we are given the chance to prepare and make adjustments with how to raise them to be the best that they can be, as God made them. I am a bit forced to emulate kids that show traits my little ones don't have - being outspoken and sociable. I fight myself though, thinking they are God's workmanship the way they are.

My heart's desire is to raise up kids who fear and love God and serve their countrymen rather than achievers who give in to the dark side of themselves.

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