
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Monday, June 13, 2011

Kids' routines for school, home-work life balance and YM for 5 year old

Giant toothache - got this from my Tumblr feeds. Wouldn't it be lovely to have one of these for your kids' parties?
Going back to school
It's official! Both my kids are in the morning class. That means we have to change our routine in order to sleep early and therefore, wake up early.

This is a great challenge especially for me. Since I work from home, my office is just some footsteps away. I often find my self working late, if there's a deadline to finish, and glued to my desk. It's only because of this time out application I installed in my computer that I am prompted to leave my desk for seconds or a few minutes to stretch. Then I can play a bit with the kids, do some house chores, eat.

If we are to make work, we have to sleep two hours earlier than usual. All the best to us!

Lois admitted she's not excited to go back to school. She's afraid she will go hungry or thirsty. School has a set routine, and unlike here at home where she can drink cold water from the refrigerator, she has to wait for meal time when at school.

Finding home-work life balance
Spend some time with the kids, let them be the ones in-charge. Follow every thing they want. Dance silly. Order in their make-believe restaurant. Buy tickets from their store. Afterwards, they'll settle on their own. Leaving you alone to finish a deadline.

This formula has worked all the time. Kids just need ideas. Rolling out the idea with them empowers them. After they've seen how it can be done, they will be all hands engaged. Keep in mind to pad that due date you committed with your client, though.

Yahoo Messenger and 5-year old
About a month ago, we created a Yahoo! account for our five-year old girl.

She uses my smartphone a lot and accidentally sends messages to my contacts. Her own account confines her to family members who are extremely delighted to hear from her, even if what she sends are smileys and lots of gibberish.

Looking back now, I realize that having her own user gives these benefits:
  1. More familiar with the alphabet, even the QWERTY keyboard
  2. Practice reading
  3. Quick way for me to share interesting tidbits I found on the net, the power of copy and paste
  4. Closeness with relatives
I have set the messages to be archived so I may review their conversations, she's still 5-years old and under GREAT parental control. All her contacts are relatives, and her account is in a private mode, so no one cannot just simply add it.

Bill Gates on parenting
For his choice of raising up his three kids Jennifer, 15, Rory, 12, and Phoebe, nine to be normal kids is commendable. Microsoft founder and world's second wealthiest man Bill Gates, like Solomon in the Old Testament, is tired with money. He has it all!

He wants more that satisfy and that's relationship with family and people around him. For that, I salute and admire him. He admits that his kids will not get huge amounts of inheritance, saying ‘I don’t think that amount of money would be good for them.’

‘It will be a minuscule portion of my wealth. It will mean they have to find their own way.
'They will be given an unbelievable education and that will all be paid for. And certainly anything related to health issues we will take care of. But in terms of their income, they will have to pick a job they like and go to work. They are normal kids now. They do chores, they get pocket money.’

It is very good that Bill Gates is a hands-on dad and understands money and suffering.

He also has a positive relationship with his dad who is around 85 years old. Mr. Bill Gates Sr is co-chair of the Gates Foundation.

After Mary’s death, Gates’s father Bill Sr, feeling listless, started ploughing through the stacks of begging letters which had piled up at his son’s office, simply ‘for something to do’. He would send the requests he thought worthy to his son, who would then write the cheques, which Bill Sr would send out with brief notes.
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-2001697/Microsofts-Bill-Gates-A-rare-remarkable-interview-worlds-second-richest-man.html#ixzz1P98D1Bd4

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