
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

February 2011 in Photos

Kitchen of the Rizal's, taken during Lois' class trip to their Calamba house. Lois remembers clearly the dining room, she said the Rizal's are required to be prompt during meals, so as to not cause extra work to the helpers.
Ceramic collection from the Rizal ancestral home
A snail lounging under the sun at the Rizal's lawn
The two Nursery 2 classes were divided into groups, and required to wear the same color for more orderly trip. Lois belonged to the Blue Team together with classmate Marvin, from the morning class: Renee, Thobey and Jerzy.
Lois riding at the back of Berganza, the statue dog of young Pepe
Princess Castle table top made by the mom of Lois' classmate

Enjoying the pinata treats. I think Lois enjoyed both the loots as well as the sequins.
Lois helping her friend Blessed Micah shake off the sequins
Simple birthday treat for Lois. I told her there wouldn't be a party at school, even if all of her classmates celebrated theirs. Reasoned we'll use the money to buy her milk and send them to school. She agreed.
First-time to use the webcam of my emachine laptop
Rabbits and guinea pigs for sale at the Avilon Ark Zoo at Tiendesitas in Pasig City.
Mayumi, our neighbor's kid celebrated her 3rd birthday there. Carlos and I went but failed to join the picnic at QC Memorial Circle.
It's amazing yet sad to see up close a fierce predator like this inside a cage.
Sea eagle or agilang dagat. Didn't take a picture of the other big birds on display at the other side. Their feathers are pitiful.
Baby freshwater alligator, this baby is surely not cuddly!
Palawan Porcupine – Yes! There's a porcupine in the Philippines, and this is one of the 500+ species of endemic mammals available in our amazing islands. By the way, porcupines float in water.
A giant tortoise. Our guide said you can tell the age of a turtle by the rings in their shells, same way with trees, I guess. Plus tortoise cannot swim in water because they don't have the webbed feet of the turtles.
Doctor fish, popular for their infamous trait of eating off dirt from humans.

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