
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Passing Gas, All Carlos and Graphics Design for Nation Building

I am very proud of our little Lois Maya.

One time, she went inside the rest room, didn't close the door and just stood there. Intrigued, I asked her what she was doing. "I'm passing gas, mom," she told me.

Daddy Paul and I looked at each other. Our eldest is teaching us, leaving an example for all of us to follow. Tough one, I'd say.

Carlos All

The kids love to play pretend games - riding throw pillows as if they were horses, petting their plush toys as if they were real pets, among a host of other imagination activities.

When we would ask the kids about their imaginary playmates, Lois would always come up with sweet names for her pals - Sally the Zebra, Sandy the Dog, Star Bright the Unicorn.

However, Carlos would always name his pets - Carlos, Carlos the Dog, Carlos the Zebra, even Carlos the Car.

One time, Carlos was crawling under the dining table and egged us to ask him who was under. "Daddy, say 'Who's down there?,'"

Daddy Paul obliged, but added the line: "Is it Carlos the Dog or Carlos the Car?"

Amusingly, Carlos replied, "Carlos the F-1 racer."

I guess we chose the right name for him, he loves it very much!

After embracing trial version of Photoshop CS5, I could say I am now an avid fan!

Really missed a lot from my old trusted GIMP freeware. Though I am still learning a lot, the possibilities are mind-boggling. It helped a great deal too that I've signed up for Oriental Dreamers and The Shire's Graphicology, a 2-part workshop on design.

Just learned a new technique of using treshold and color overlay. Made this sample, will post the source file too for inspiration, once I figure how to upload it here at blogspot. Haha!

Unforgettable thing I learned about graphics design, is that it can be used to help build a nation! Imagine that. Lecturer showed samples of various chocolate bars designed very impressively, stating that if a country's produce is packaged so well, it lifts the whole product, which turns the company up, affecting the industry positively, and so on. Radical thinking!

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