
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why I shy away from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

credit Tumblr user
I only use Facebook for reacting to friends’ posts and reaching out to friends and family members. I do not share anything in there except that because:
1. my personal details are used as advertising numbers for Facebook
2. I prefer sincere connections and effort-ful relationships in this cheap world
3. reverse stalking scares me
4. I define BORING’s complete six letters
5. Facebook distracts me 10,000% of the time when I should be busy doing other things

I use Twitter to get updated. It has replaced newspapers and magazines in my life. What I like best about it is the wit and humor of people who share the same interest (and has mastery) as I do in 140 characters. Twitter has never failed in being my source of entertainment, education and inspiration. But there would be times when I don't tweet much because of my busy schedule.

I use Instagram before SnapChat, when it wasn't bought by Facebook yet. I liked looking at the great photos snapped by common users. I don't use it anymore because it gives me the same vibe as Facebook.

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