
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Open-ended questions, smart kids, traffic sensors, dream perspectives, PETA

Thanks Tito Danny! You will be missed.
Open-ended questions
Interviews encourage open-ended questions. They have the power to elicit deeper thinking and meaningful conversations. Parents are encouraged to ask open-ended questions to start family bonding.

One way we do this is through our daily roses and thorns. I found out about this from Pastor Herald Cruz who talked about parenting in my kids' school. He shared the Obama's roses and thorns which lets the kids share the best and worst part of their day. Every night, before we do our story time--we are in Book 10 of Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events--kids have to share what was their most and least favorite parts of their days. Then we pray and give thanks for them.

My 8-year old boy never fails to give the answer: I am thankful for the computer. Day in and day out, believe me!
Our beloved pets: Sunny and Myeh!

Smart kids
We noticed that our 8-year old's best friends are the smartest kids in his class. We asked him and this was his answer:

I only befriend the smart kids at school because they are the only ones who understands.

Traffic sensors
Passing through an intersection, our 8-year old suggested to his dad that there should be traffic lights with sensors. So that when there are no cars on the other side, the green light for those with heavy traffic can still go on and drive.

Throwback photo of us fit girls trying to get slimmer
Dream perspectives
Our two kids were discussing their dreams last night. Couldn't hep but laugh when I overheard our 8-year old asking this:

Was your dream in 1st person or 3rd person?

Kids reaction to my blog
I told my kids that I keep a blog to house my journal of our experiences. I have been very forgetful, and the blog will remind us what those past years have been. I read to them several posts I found very funny. While I was already cracking up reading the first few lines, they were cringing.

Lenny Kravits 
One of the early video games we let the kids play is Guitar/Music Hero. Most of the songs were rock classics, and not the usual pop songs the kids know. One of the songs included was Lenny Kravits' Are You Gonna Go My Way. So imagine our amusement when recently, we caught our 8-year old humming to that song.

A very sloppy picture without much thought about composition
Peta Theater's Art Zone
My friend and I recently attended a PETA parenting seminar. It was my first time to be at PETA Theater's building. They are located at the back of Quezon City Sports Club, near St. Lukes. Their building was impressive. I know that was a product of much labor and sacrifice. It felt chilling being within a structure build by the country's geniuses of theater and music. Yes, I was able to spy several theater greats like Kuya Bodjie Pascua, Direk Soxy Topacio, musician Noel Cabangon among others. It was great that there's a place like that where enthusiasts can hang out and be in the company of these wonderful, talented and accommodating stars.

PETA or Philippine Educational Theater Association started as a Martial Law protest group, if I remember it right. So imagine my surprise, finding about their other programs which include theater acting for kids, writing as well as storytelling. They have regular weekly offerings. How come I didn't know about this when we were still QC-based?

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