
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My life in 150 words, brand ambassadors the Ritz-Carlton way, HTML for Babies

Smiley in the sky

148 words - My life is all about LEARNING

I am a girl from the farm who moved to the metro to get better education. After studying, worked in multimedia, communications and IT companies. While working, met life partner. Married at 25. Had first baby the following year and the year after that.

From then, family life became second phase of my life. Left corporate career to focus on child rearing. Then found a new calling in the language of HTML and CSS. Started working freelance while balancing home management and raising kids. Learning a lot in all these three categories.

Now, in preparation for my next life phase – social entrepreneurship, husband and I knowing all we can. Perfect timing because kids have started school too and are getting busy learning. Waiting for our cue. Claiming victory that is in Christ Jesus. Trusting in His curriculum yet failing daily. Trying again and again with His mercies.
Try writing about your life in 150 words too. It will simplify and focus your perspective. :)

After AIDA, the goal is advocacy
Learned that in doing business, maintaining a customer-client is as important as getting them. Turning them as brand ambassadors the way Apple does is the ultimate goal. How to achieve that? Here's Ritz-Carlton's approach:
Every employee can spend up to $2,000 on his/her own to help a customer. One story that stuck out in my mind was a guest who lost an engagement ring on the beach beside the hotel. When they mentioned it to a hotel employee, the employee went and purchased several metal detectors and, with the help of other employees, searched the beach and found the guest’s ring.
It’s safe to say that guest will be telling people about The Ritz-Carlton and the lost ring story for years to come. That kind of brand ambassador will bring in more new customers than any slogan or ad copy.
Source: SitePoint
HTML for Babies - Will you get one?

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