
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Monday, May 9, 2011

New pre-reader and permanent tooth

Went back again to QC Memorial Circle, one free afternoon. Took the underpass in front of QC Hall and ended up at the park where exercise machines are free for use to all visitors. The kids particularly like this swing

It could be him imitating his big sister, or his interpretation of what reading words is, and it is very funny. Our little boy Carlos.

One time, he insisted he should sit in between his dad and ate, because the space in between reads: Carlos here. Of course, nothing's written there but the truth and fantasy according to this three-year old boy.

Then, while eating out in a restaurant which specializes in grilled meals, he noticed the logo type which bears a flame. He matter of factly stated, "that reads 'fire'"

Today should have been his first day of summer classes, a required course before he enters Nursery 2. I was egging them both to practice writing and drawing, but Carlos declines. Opting to play with his cars instead.

Cutting permanent tooth
What a perfect timing, for me to find out about it on mother's day.

We were eating lunch at McDonalds when I noticed something odd in Lois' mouth. It was as if she was chewing gum or something. After I inspected, it was a permanent tooth breaking out of Lois' lower front teeth. A shark, since the tooth was behind a row of healthy, white, milk teeth.

Afterwards, Lois refused to let us check her new, growing tooth. Maybe she got scared, or shy?

This part is a rite of passage for me. This tooth eruption marks a dawning of a new era. No more a baby, but a growing girl in our midst.

I am reminded of an ebook we often read for bedtime rituals. Thank you baby, for teaching me to slow down and appreciate life. Time to enjoy the moment scratching your back before you fall asleep. Time to savor every bit of our cool bath with me covering your body with soap bubble. Time to focus on our bond now that you still need and want me.

Because this time will soon be over. Your growing independence and sense of self will take you places, sometimes even far from me. And though we will forever be, there will be that point when it will just be you. All on your own.

So I will soak it up. Every second of this fleeting time, or else it might be over.

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