
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Friday, October 15, 2010

Style Studio creations by Lois

I mentioned last time about this killer Apple app which got me and daughter glued to it, StyleStudio Fashion Designer from XMG, and how amazed I am with my little girl's creations. Finally managed to get the photos and sharing them here for posterity:
This is fresh! I haven't designed for men, all these are by Lois. I find it amusing that she is using Michael Jackson 'bitin' pants. Where did she get the idea?

Style Studio's latest feature: fashion design for men
I like what Lois did with it, especially the white surprise at the top? To do this, she cut the printed pattern then sewed it to the dress, which she decided to be white.

Same style she did with the pants, I never thought about this. My creations just change the color or adds buttons, prints to the jeans.

Vests on men? Yes, I can imagine Tim Yap on this.
This one's very '80s!
Is this denim skirt?
This outfit style is very 2010, except for the print? :D
Minimalist top with a psychedelic bottom, what's on your mind, Lois?
I like the tights here, all covered up yet not with the 'manang' appeal.
I think I did the pants here. See how tacky it is? Lois put together the whole combination.
Very cowgirl?
Boots on skirts, yes!
Yes, ribbons need not be at the center all the time.
Print overload all right

And what does our little boy do when his big sister is designing clothes? He cannot look! That's a rule. :D

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