
A mom's journal of home life stories, hopes and dreams for her two wonderful kids

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Say Yes

Got this from Zig Ziglar's Something to Smile About:

In an article published in Better Families, Dr. Kay Kuzma offers some practical approcahes we can use. She suggests we can say yes on many occasions, and it's more effective because it also teaches valuable lessons. For example, the child might ask, "Am I going to get to watch my favorite television show tonight?" The parents have a chance to say, "Yes, as soon as you have dried the dishes and put them away," or "Yes, as soon as you have called Sally and apologized for your behavior this afternoon."

This approch changes you in the child's eyes from being a person who wants to deny him or her a pleasure to a parent who is interested in helping that child perform in a better, more mature way.

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